“Right of interment” or “interment rights.”
This is the purchase of the burial space or columbarium niche. When you buy an interment right you own the right to be buried or placed in that space or to designate another person to be buried in that place.
“Endowment care” or “permanent care fund.”
This is a percentage of the cost of the space you purchase, usually 10% or 15% in addition to the interment right. This money is deposited into the cemetery endowment care fund so that it can grow and the interest income can be used to offset future maintenance of the cemetery.
“Outer burial container” or “burial or urn vault.”
In case of ground burial, many cemeteries require the use of an outer burial container to surround the casket or urn. This prevents the ground from sinking.
“Monument” or “headstone marker.”
This is the way the space is marked and can be a wonderful way to remember the person. Monuments are typically constructed of bronze or granite or both. They can be upright or flat, depending on the section of the cemetery.
“Opening and closing.”
This includes digging and filling of the grave for earth burial for burying the casket or opening the columbarium niche for placement of the urn. It may include securing necessary permits, maintaining legal files, keeping records, the use of a casket lowering device and other items or services.
The prices for cemetery goods and services typically break down into the following components and ranges: